No holiday party this year? Think again
Even in this weird, fragmented job market, your best people are still getting offers. So how do you keep them from jumping ship? For starters, don't c...
Is the party about to end in Brazil?
Marcelo do Rio stands outside his new Brazilian pizzeria, grinning. The sale of his brewpub chain financed the launch of his new business -- and the p...
No party for Citi's owners: You and me
The bank is back in black, but common shareholders - a group soon to include Joe Taxpayer - get stuck with the costs of the past year's restructuring....
作者: 又文初夏时节,北京长安俱乐部举行了一次女企业家聚会。在出席聚会的几十位商界女强人中,最引人注目是该俱乐部的老板陈丽华和美国硅谷归来的俞佩如。现年 60 岁的陈丽华最初是做家具修理生意,1982 年移居香港,从事国际贸易。80 年代后期回到大陆后,在北京成立了长安俱乐部。目前,陈丽华的富华国际...
IDC: Android to surpass Symbian in Europe next year
Losing Europe would pretty much end Nokia's run as the world's leading mobile OS.via Parker Bros.The Android news lately is starting to feel like the ...
iPad is No. 3 holiday wish, after world peace/happiness and a laptop
One of Apple's (AAPL) public relations operatives e-mailed overnight to let me know that a Consumer Electronics Association survey -- one that put the...
2011 will be the year Android explodes
(Not this kind of smartphone growth.) Image by @boetter via FlickrEver-improving networks and a big hardware announcement that will send handset price...
Five investments for an inflationary New Year
Inflation is weighing on the minds of many Americans experiencing a rise in prices from the grocery store to the gas pump. Here's where to park your m...
Will Apple stop growing 37% a year?
The law of large numbers says it must. Not anytime soon, says Robert Paul Leitao.The law of large numbers as applied to finance (as opposed to flippin...
Smartphone traffic is up 193% in a year
Led by iPhone and the Androids. Traffic from the iPod touch is growing even faster.Smartphone traffic is up. Feature phone share is down. And traffic ...